Black or White
In Black or White, Helen Meeker faces a confounding mystery that includes a congressman, a mobster, and the German high command. Triggered by a bank robbery, a suicide, and a kidnapping, Meeker’s team is put on high alert and drawn into intense action where one of them is gravely injured. In Washington, St. Louis, Chicago, and up and down the Atlantic coast, they are saddled with the seemingly impossible tasks of protecting key government secrets and saving the lives of two innocent children. The keys to this mystery are found in a grave, a safety deposit box, and details of a violent assault that happened decades ago. Discovering how they tie together is the only way to prevent plans for D-Day falling into Hitler’s hands. In pages filled with adventure, drama, intrigue, and action, the team is also forced to confront something unexpected that makes them and the reader question the validity of a world that sees only in black and white.